Thursday, August 17, 2006


I love reading and have a list I compile full of novels I need to get. I usually go to Chapters and buy them in pairs. Once I finish those, I go back and get 2 other ones off my list. The two latest ones I've bought were

  • Dry: A Memoir - Augusten Borroughs
  • Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk (most known as the author of Fight Club)
Dry was awesome, as expected. It's the continuation of his first best-selling memoir novel titled RUNNING WITH SCISSORS. They are actually making it into a movie I can't wait to see it!

I only just started Haunted last night and boy, it's pretty screwed up! nor Chapters warned me about how graphic and gross the first chapter was geez LOL.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I haven't read any fiction for quite a while, actually...I think the last one I had started was David Grief by Jack London (but I think the guys who robbed me at the bus station stole that book, so I never got to finish it...). I think besides text-books, within the last year I've read a biography of Niels Bohr, Einstein's Out Of My Later Years, Where Wizards stay up late by I-forgot-who, something like 'The Future As I See It' by Bill Gates, More from Andy Rooney, and bits of the Bible here and there.

Wow, with a comment as long as this I don't even need to post anything on my own blog today - yay! :-)

Have a lovely weekend Jimena!!! Oh, and how about 'Jack' and 'Diane'? Then when you write a song about your cats you can relate it to the song like "a little ditty, about Jack and Diane - two Canadian kittys, growing up in the heartland..." heeheehee

(hmm, it could work with "little ditty, 'bout Catherine and Heathcliffe..." too...)