Friday, August 18, 2006


My iPod died today. Actually, the battery, which is internal died and obviously once that's dead. The whole thing doesn't work. SUCKS!!!!

I know I know, if I really wanted to, I could go through all the hassle of sending it back to Apple and paying for a replacement battery but naw. Too much hassle. It's easier for me to dish out some cash and just upgrade. I always told myself that once my iPod died, it was a sign for me to upgrade. The price has gone down since the last time I bought mine by at least $100 so that's a bonus.

My dead iPod was a 20GB, 4th generation iPod. The one I just bought tonight online is a black one with 30GB, I guess the lastest generation. With a bigger screen and it's in colour! so i'm quite excited about that :D

I payed the extra 14$ to get it shipped here within a week's time. It's bad enough I have to go a week without any beats to and from work. Thank god at the gym they have TVs so that entertains me!!

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm only saying this since you gave me a hard time about "An Space..." - lol you spelled paid wrong :-P Sry about your iPod :-( Hope you're having a good weekend anyway :-)