Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bad kitty!!

Simba has been a bad kitty lately. He pooped on Jimmy's roommate's off-white couch TWICE over the long weekend. We thought it was probably because the litterbox was too far and he couldn't figure out where it was so we brought it up to the main level.

Then last night, as I'm reading my book in bed and cuddling with Simba & Zazu, Simba decides to take a leak on my bed!!!!!!!! I was livid! My duvet and duvet covers reeked. So I had to get up and wash everything. I was trying to figure out why he'd do something like that, but I guess cos he's still a baby, accidents will happen. I'm going to keep them in an enclosed area (a make-shift playpen) until Simba is fully littertrained. He has to understand where the litterbox is and I need to know that there won't be anymore accidents. I hate having to do this to Zazu as well cos he is good with the litterbox, but I can't seperate them, they'd be miserable.

Everyone pray for me hehe

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