It's been a while since I posted. Mostly cos when I would remember to post, I wasn't anywhere near internet. :(
Luckily, now that I've moved in with Jimmy, we have finally set up the internet and I just have to get back into the groove of things.
My apartment is almost totally bare!! We're moving everything out on Sunday evening and next week I'm going in to finish painting over my wall holes and clean the apartment for the new tenant who moves on the 24th!
Things at the house have been good, his roommate just came back from being gone for work to Germany for the last month and half so she's got some packing to do before she moves out this coming weekend.
The cats are getting on Jimmy's nerves. I am still pretty concerned that something major will happen and he'll make me give them up :( They've been living at his place fulltime since February and we've already had 3 major incidents with them wrekking things.
- They figured out how to jump on top of his side speakers, then jump on top of the big screen TV and then walk across the TV knocking over the centre speaker which for now, sits on top of the TV. The centre speaker fell backwards and created 2 holes in the wall. Luckily the speaker was fine.
- We came back from grocery shopping one evening to find that the front entry vase which sits on top of a coffee table had been knocked over. This is a huge vase with luckily, no water in it since it houses fake flowers but there were pebbles in the vase and some of the pebbles chipped the hardwood flooring. He wasn't impressed at all.
- Just last weekend, they climbed on top of the centre speaker and knocked it over once again, created 2 new holes, so now we have 4 holes in the wall we have to fix.
He said that was it for chances, one more and he's giving them away. :( So to try to minimize the issues, I'm locking them in the laundry room while we're not home. I hate doing it but I would be devestated if he gave them away. I can't honestly blame him though, they've already broken my computer printer by pulling on the cord, I had to buy a new one cos it was completely busted and cost more to fix than to buy a new one. Jimmy bought me roses a few months back and I put them in a vase and left them as a centrepiece on our dinette table, well the cats completely destroyed it, there were petals everywhere. Cats will be cats, I guess, I just really do not want anything else bad to happen!